Reality Hologram: The Matrix of Our Lives

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The human brain processes sensory information from the outside world and generates a model of reality. A hologram is a three-dimensional image created by shining a laser on a piece of film, which has been shown to be an accurate representation for how the brain generates reality. The nature of reality being a holographic universe would mean that all of our 3D reality is stored onto a 2D plane of information. This means, that essentially, everything you see and experience is an elaborate illusion.


What would that mean for my everyday life?

The idea that reality may be just an elaborate hologram is a bit radical, albeit goes naturally with our perception of the richness of our digital world quite well. It matters because it shifts our perception of the world to a place from which we may be able way to tweak some settings of this projection to our favour, or better yet create a new one. As we progress to live a life more engaged in a digital metaverse the shift in our perception may be produce experience of a liberated life.

It might not matter to a child or a teenager oblivious to know the difference between reality and illusion. But It matters to adult pioneers who are keen to exit or better yet, shape the holographic matrix and create environments that is supportive life’s emergent evolution.

Knowing that the world we live in has a causal plane beyond the perceivable matter in form may help us shift from blindly chasing the next hit from our dopamine reward loop and take a step back to affect and control the reality formed around us.

Children playing on a field

It is a result of many elements coming together to not only entertain the creature that inhabits it with pleasure stemming from chasing carnal pleasures but also to enslave many of the said human creatures into service of chasing the fulfilment of those carnal pleasures in never-ending matrix of spacetime reflections.

All relative realities in this universe as we know it are created by the consciousness of living organisms and sentient creatures. We are that consciousness, which is constantly sensing itself and interacting with itself- which results in creating stories and cognitive decisions.

All of the things we see as separate parts of life are actually relational extensions of one underlying consciousness. Physical reality is a product of this idea and is changeable depending on what we are thinking. Consciousness builds physical reality by continuously referencing to it.

It is a complex issue, essence of which is quite simple. As long as we are chasing after pleasures for the sake of fulfilment of our selfish desires we are stuck in a vicious feedback loop that equals to being imprisoned by service to the operating system of the hologram matrix in spacetime.

When we step outside of the loop and gain new perspective we learn to observe the forces of creation and eventually govern them as a creator would. The notion of correcting one’s own selfish nature from receiving only to altruism and care for others goes well with what the world at large truly needs.

It is the evolution of a soul in an act of human emergence in an apex form that takes the mainstage in my view of the hologram. The shift from being a puppet to desires and slave of the feedback loop system, to being a captain of a growing spacecraft called soul that is a part of a larger organism as a sum of its parts.

In a world where we are stewarding our lives from this pace of empowerment we may decide that connection with each other actually helps us emerge into a supreme creature that is a sum of all its parts that affects the evolution of the holographic reality through the force of equivalence of form with Creator’s Mind.

Separate we are weak, but connected we emerge as a superbeing that is able to shape the spacetime matrix to its will. Keep that in mind as you go along as an author of your story in the book of creation of this world.

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