Guide to the NFT world

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Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs, have taken the digital world by storm and are rapidly changing the way we view digital ownership and assets. An NFT is a unique digital asset that represents ownership of a specific item or piece of content, such as artwork, music, or even tweets. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, NFTs cannot be exchanged for an equivalent value because each NFT is unique and holds its own value.

The importance of NFTs lies in their ability to grant ownership and authenticity to digital content. This opens up a world of new possibilities for artists, musicians, and content creators to monetize their work and maintain control over it. The rise of NFTs has also sparked a new market for collectors and investors, who are eager to get their hands on these unique and valuable assets.

The purpose of this guide is to provide a comprehensive overview of NFTs, including what they are, how they work, and how to buy and sell them. We will also cover best practices for NFT owners and explore the future of this exciting and rapidly evolving industry. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting to learn about NFTs, this guide is an essential resource to understanding this new and exciting world of digital ownership.

NFTs have a variety of use cases in different industries, including art, music, gaming, and collectibles. For example, an artist can sell an NFT representing a digital artwork, allowing the buyer to own a unique and verified version of the artwork. In the music industry, NFTs can be used to represent ownership of a specific song or album, providing a new revenue stream for musicians.

It’s important to understand the difference between NFTs and fungible tokens, such as cryptocurrencies. Fungible tokens, such as Bitcoin, are interchangeable and hold the same value as one another. NFTs, on the other hand, are unique and cannot be exchanged for an equivalent value. This is because each NFT represents a specific item or piece of content, which holds its own value and ownership.

Blockchain at their foundation

NFTs are built on blockchain technology, which acts as the backbone for the verification and authentication process. The blockchain acts as a decentralized ledger that records every transaction and ownership change for each NFT. This ensures the authenticity and uniqueness of each NFT, as well as its ownership history.

To create an NFT, the creator must first define the digital asset and its properties, such as its name, image, and metadata. This information is then added to the blockchain and verified by the network of nodes, creating a unique and verifiable digital asset. The NFT is then stored in a digital wallet, which can be accessed by the owner to view and manage the NFT.

There are different types of NFTs, each with their own properties and use cases. For example, some NFTs may have special abilities within a game, while others may represent unique pieces of art. The specific type of NFT will determine its properties and how it can be used.

In summary, NFTs work by leveraging the security and decentralization of blockchain technology to create unique and verifiable digital assets. The NFT creation and verification process ensures the authenticity and uniqueness of each NFT, making them valuable and highly sought after by collectors and investors.

Trading NFTs

To buy and sell NFTs, one must first set up a digital wallet that is compatible with NFTs. There are various types of digital wallets available, ranging from software-based wallets to hardware wallets that provide increased security for storing NFTs.

Once a wallet is set up, the next step is to find a reputable NFT marketplace where NFTs can be bought and sold. Some popular NFT marketplaces include OpenSea, Rarible, and SuperRare. These marketplaces allow users to browse and purchase NFTs, as well as create and sell their own NFTs.

When buying an NFT, it’s important to understand the NFT’s pricing and ownership. NFTs are unique and their value is determined by a variety of factors, such as their rarity, popularity, and ownership history. The price of an NFT can be influenced by market demand, so it’s important to do research and understand the market before making a purchase.

When selling an NFT, the seller sets the price and puts the NFT up for sale on the marketplace. Once a buyer expresses interest, the NFT is transferred from the seller’s wallet to the buyer’s wallet through a blockchain transaction. The transaction is verified and recorded on the blockchain, ensuring the authenticity and ownership of the NFT.

In conclusion, buying and selling NFTs is relatively straightforward once a wallet and a reputable marketplace are set up. It’s important to understand the value and pricing of NFTs, as well as the transaction process, to ensure a smooth and successful transaction.

Storing NFTs

As NFT ownership becomes more widespread, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure the security and preservation of NFTs. Here are some best practices for NFT owners:

  1. Secure your digital wallet: Keeping your digital wallet secure is of the utmost importance when owning NFTs. Make sure to use a secure and reliable digital wallet, and take steps to protect it, such as using a strong password and two-factor authentication.
  2. Backup your NFTs: Creating a backup of your NFTs is important to ensure they are not lost or stolen. This can be done by storing a backup of your digital wallet on a secure external device or using a cloud-based backup service.
  3. Monitor market trends: NFTs can be highly volatile, so it’s important to monitor market trends and understand the value of your NFTs. Regularly check the marketplace to see how the value of your NFTs is changing and make informed decisions about buying and selling.
  4. Protect your NFTs from theft: NFTs can be stolen if your digital wallet is compromised. To prevent theft, keep your digital wallet secure and regularly monitor its activity.
  5. Know the ownership history: When buying or selling NFTs, it’s important to understand their ownership history. This can provide insight into the NFT’s authenticity and value.
  6. Store NFTs properly: NFTs should be stored in a secure digital wallet, and their ownership and transfer should be recorded on the blockchain. This ensures the authenticity and uniqueness of the NFTs and protects them from theft or loss.

In conclusion, following best practices for NFT ownership can help ensure the security and preservation of NFTs, as well as their value. Whether you are a new or seasoned NFT owner, it’s important to take the necessary steps to protect and preserve your NFTs.

The Future of NFTs

The future of NFTs is highly promising and holds tremendous potential for growth and innovation. Here are a few ways in which NFTs may shape the future:

  1. Expansion into new industries: NFTs have already proven to be popular in the art, gaming, and collectibles industries, but their potential for expansion into new industries is enormous. Industries such as real estate, music, and sports could all benefit from the unique ownership and authentication features that NFTs provide.
  2. Increased adoption of blockchain technology: As NFTs continue to gain popularity, it is likely that more businesses and individuals will begin to adopt blockchain technology. This will drive innovation and increase the number of use cases for blockchain technology beyond NFTs.
  3. Improved accessibility: The NFT market is currently dominated by a small group of early adopters and investors, but as NFTs become more accessible, they have the potential to become a more mainstream asset class. This will increase their popularity and value, as well as their potential for growth.
  4. Increased demand for NFT creators: As the NFT market grows, the demand for NFT creators will also increase. This could result in a new wave of creative talent and innovation in the NFT market.
  5. Development of new NFT standards: As the NFT market evolves, it is likely that new standards will emerge to enhance their functionality and interoperability. This will make it easier for NFTs to be bought, sold, and traded, and will further increase their popularity.


In conclusion, NFTs are unique and valuable digital assets that are gaining widespread popularity in the art, gaming, and collectibles communities. NFTs are built on blockchain technology, which ensures their authenticity, uniqueness, and ownership history. To own NFTs, one must set up a digital wallet and purchase NFTs from reputable marketplaces. When owning NFTs, it’s important to follow best practices, such as securing one’s digital wallet, monitoring market trends, and protecting NFTs from theft. With the rise of NFTs, it’s clear that they will play a significant role in shaping the future of digital ownership and collectibles. Whether you are a collector, investor, or creator, NFTs offer a new and exciting opportunity to participate in this growing market.

Navigating the Metaverse: Benefits and Challenges of our Virtual Future

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Understanding Metaverse

The metaverse, also known as the “virtual universe,” is a concept that refers to a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual reality. It is a space that encompasses a variety of digital environments where people can interact with each other, as well as with artificial intelligence and digital objects. Imagine a world where the boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds blur, and where people can interact with each other and with digital objects in a seamless and immersive way. This is the vision of the metaverse.

The Metaverse provides a global communications network and an interface to access information from various databases including libraries, educational institutions, financial institutions, government agencies etc. What it doesn’t provide is the solution for the need for human connection.

Problem or solution?

The metaverse will become a popular escape for many people, but it can also lead to addiction and escapism. It’s important to recognize this problem and take steps towards addressing it before it becomes an issue for individuals or society as a whole.The more we immerse ourselves in the digital world, the greater the distance we put between ourselves and nature. This increasing disconnection from the natural world can have negative consequences on our physical, mental and emotional well-being.

girl with a virtual reality headset
Credit: from Pexels by Michelangelo Buonarroti

For example, spending prolonged periods of time staring at screens can lead to eye strain and headaches, and sitting in front of a computer for long hours can lead to back pain and poor posture.
Additionally, the digital world can be seductive and all-consuming, which can lead to addiction and a desire to escape reality.

This is due to the dopamine feedback loop that is created when we engage with virtual worlds and our own creative ideas within them. We can easily become addicted to the rewards that these activities provide us with, leading us to forget about our real life responsibilities

People may find themselves losing track of time as they scroll through social media, play video games or engage in other forms of digital entertainment. This can lead to neglecting important responsibilities, relationships, and activities in the real world, resulting in a lack of engagement and fulfilment in their lives. Furthermore, it is often hard to unplug and disconnect from the constant flow of information and stimulation the digital world provides, which can lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed and stressed out.

Our interconnectedness in this world and the next

The truest connection however we may have is connection with each other as human. Even though the world is more interconnected then ever online, if we are disconnected from each other in the physicality our world suffers.
Everything in nature is pushing toward connecting with each other. The current process humanity is undergoing is a crucial step towards forming a unified global community – a group that will benefit everyone, as long as we all contribute and function as integral parts of it.

Young man immersed in Virtual Reality
Credit: Midjourney Young man immersed in Virtual Reality

Although the metaverse comes with its set of challenges It does come with a significant role in the development of humanity. Some people believe that the development of the metaverse could potentially contribute to the development of a Type 1 civilization by providing new ways for people to connect, collaborate, and solve problems.

The story of our evolution

As we advance toward a type of civilization that produces and uses energy more efficiently and wisely there bound to be periods of chaos and uncertainty. As much as we’d like to voyage to other planets in quest for more natural resources the answer to the sustainability issue of our civilization may lie closer to home.

It is technologies such as the metaverse and rising global interconnectedness that foster a spirit of collaboration that will help us heal the savage exploitation of planet’s natural resources done by previous generations and greedy corporations in the name of consumerism.
The evolution of Nature demonstrates that the transformation of the world into a global village is not random. Rather, it is a natural progression in the development of civilization towards greater unity and harmony and we will need to work together to get there.

Healing force of Nature

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The healing force of nature is a powerful and undeniable force that has the ability to nourish and restore both the body and the mind. From the soothing sounds of a babbling brook to the breathtaking beauty of a sunset, nature has the ability to bring peace and tranquility to even the most troubled soul.

One of the most profound ways in which nature can heal is through the power of human connection. When we spend time in nature, we are often able to connect with others in a way that is deeper and more meaningful than we do in our daily lives. This connection can be especially important for those who are struggling with physical or mental health issues, as it can provide a sense of comfort and support that is difficult to find elsewhere.

There is also a growing body of evidence to suggest that spending time in nature can have a number of physical and mental health benefits. Studies have shown that exposure to nature can reduce stress, improve mood, and even improve cognitive function. These benefits may be due in part to the fact that nature has a way of putting our problems into perspective and helping us to see the world in a different light.

Another way in which nature can be a healing force is through the sense of adventure and exploration it can provide. When we venture out into the natural world, we are able to escape the stresses and distractions of modern life and focus on the present moment. This sense of adventure can be especially beneficial for those who are dealing with anxiety or depression, as it can provide a sense of purpose and help to lift the fog of negative thoughts and emotions.

In conclusion, the healing force of nature is a powerful and undeniable force that has the ability to nourish and restore both the body and the mind. Whether we are spending time in nature with others or exploring on our own, it is an experience that can bring us closer to ourselves and to the world around us. So take some time to get out and experience the healing power of nature – your mind and body will thank you for it.

Reality Hologram: The Matrix of Our Lives

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The human brain processes sensory information from the outside world and generates a model of reality. A hologram is a three-dimensional image created by shining a laser on a piece of film, which has been shown to be an accurate representation for how the brain generates reality. The nature of reality being a holographic universe would mean that all of our 3D reality is stored onto a 2D plane of information. This means, that essentially, everything you see and experience is an elaborate illusion.


What would that mean for my everyday life?

The idea that reality may be just an elaborate hologram is a bit radical, albeit goes naturally with our perception of the richness of our digital world quite well. It matters because it shifts our perception of the world to a place from which we may be able way to tweak some settings of this projection to our favour, or better yet create a new one. As we progress to live a life more engaged in a digital metaverse the shift in our perception may be produce experience of a liberated life.

It might not matter to a child or a teenager oblivious to know the difference between reality and illusion. But It matters to adult pioneers who are keen to exit or better yet, shape the holographic matrix and create environments that is supportive life’s emergent evolution.

Knowing that the world we live in has a causal plane beyond the perceivable matter in form may help us shift from blindly chasing the next hit from our dopamine reward loop and take a step back to affect and control the reality formed around us.

Children playing on a field

It is a result of many elements coming together to not only entertain the creature that inhabits it with pleasure stemming from chasing carnal pleasures but also to enslave many of the said human creatures into service of chasing the fulfilment of those carnal pleasures in never-ending matrix of spacetime reflections.

All relative realities in this universe as we know it are created by the consciousness of living organisms and sentient creatures. We are that consciousness, which is constantly sensing itself and interacting with itself- which results in creating stories and cognitive decisions.

All of the things we see as separate parts of life are actually relational extensions of one underlying consciousness. Physical reality is a product of this idea and is changeable depending on what we are thinking. Consciousness builds physical reality by continuously referencing to it.

It is a complex issue, essence of which is quite simple. As long as we are chasing after pleasures for the sake of fulfilment of our selfish desires we are stuck in a vicious feedback loop that equals to being imprisoned by service to the operating system of the hologram matrix in spacetime.

When we step outside of the loop and gain new perspective we learn to observe the forces of creation and eventually govern them as a creator would. The notion of correcting one’s own selfish nature from receiving only to altruism and care for others goes well with what the world at large truly needs.

It is the evolution of a soul in an act of human emergence in an apex form that takes the mainstage in my view of the hologram. The shift from being a puppet to desires and slave of the feedback loop system, to being a captain of a growing spacecraft called soul that is a part of a larger organism as a sum of its parts.

In a world where we are stewarding our lives from this pace of empowerment we may decide that connection with each other actually helps us emerge into a supreme creature that is a sum of all its parts that affects the evolution of the holographic reality through the force of equivalence of form with Creator’s Mind.

Separate we are weak, but connected we emerge as a superbeing that is able to shape the spacetime matrix to its will. Keep that in mind as you go along as an author of your story in the book of creation of this world.