10 ways to make money online in 2023

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It’s likely you’ll want to make money online eventually. Or, perhaps you are an entrepreneur who wants to know the best way to start. The internet offers countless opportunities for fledgling entrepreneurs to make money online in this day and age. The possibilities are endless, and no matter your skill set or background, it’s likely that you can find a money-making method that suits your lifestyle

1. Start a YouTube channel

If you want to make money on YouTube, create videos that people will want to watch. Use witty headlines and keywords in your video description to make it easier for YouTube users to find videos like yours. As soon as you get to the 1,000-subs milestone, you can start monetizing your channel with YouTube ads.

A youtube channel is a great way to make money online. You can generate revenue from ads, subscriptions, and sales. You can also make money by partnering with brands or companies to create sponsored content.

Your channel should focus on a specific niche so you can create your own unique community. For example, you can create makeup tutorials, stream video games, review products, teach skills, or do anything that fits that criteria!

2. Create and Sell an Online Course

If you possess a skill that other people would like to learn and are willing to spend money on, consider creating an online course.You can monetize your knowledge by creating an online course, then selling it on Udemy or through your own store if you have a website.

Do you want to create a successful course? One way, is by taking inspiration from courses in your niche. It’s best to take a look at the reviews first, and decide which aspects should be improved. You might not have the industry experience, but that doesn’t mean the course can’t be created. ONE of the best ways to create content that will be successful is by focusing on solving the biggest complaints and positives.

The platform you use to sell your course will determine the best way to make money. If you sell your course on Udemy, advertising might not be so necessary. However, if the course is hosted on your own website, ads might be a good way to promote it. You can also build an email list to promote future courses without needing to pay for marketing.

3. Write and publish an E-book

E-books are a great way to make money. With the help of e-book publishing platforms, authors can self-publish their books and sell them on different online marketplaces like Amazon.

To put your eBook out to the world, you need to submit it to one of the many publishing platforms available. Retailers sell directly to customers whereas aggregators will allow your book/text be distributed through more websites at a higher price point.

While self-publishing can be rewarding in getting distribution for your content for free, you might make less in sales. With Amazon Kindle, the service will cost a monthly subscription but gives you the option to set the price for your book. However, you could make up to about 70% royalties from sales.

4. Test websites and give feedback

 by Pixabay at Pexels

Some of the most successful designers in the industry have come from being testers. If you’re looking for work and are constantly testing new updates, this job could be ideal for you.

To test websites, you need to have critical and logical thinking skills, excellent communication abilities and knowledge of website functionality as well as web design. These skills can improve your job prospects and the quality of your test reporting.

Here are some popular marketplaces where you can make money online by doing website testing projects:

  • Userbrain. An online tool offering user experience testing for websites and digital product prototypes.
  • Ubertesters. A crowdsourced testing service focusing on websites, mobile apps, and games.
  • Testbirds User experience testing for digital products, including eCommerce stores, mobile apps, and fitness trackers.

5. Print On Demand

Print on demand is another popular way to earn money online. Many individuals have adopted this business model because it has lower overhead than other businesses.

Though dropshipping and print on demand companies both require you to carry minimal inventory, there are key differences to keep in mind. Firstly, you’ll often need to provide a list of products that shoppers can buy from your store before they make their order (rather than allowing them the option of buying anything). In contrast, print on demand businesses don’t require this.

One of the best ways to make money with your print-on-demand business is by promoting it for free on Instagram and Pinterest. You should also try partnering with social media influencers who can convert their followers into buyers more effectively.

6. Sell your skills and services as a freelancer

Making money online is possible by redoing your current job in a 9-to-five role as an online, remote job. For example, if you’re a writer, administrative assistant, graphic designer or teacher you could find clients for your skills.

There are plenty of job platforms to choose from regardless of your skill. For example, writers can sign up on writing-specific boards and mingle with like-minded people. Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr are some of the platforms you may want to use. The variety of opportunities will only increase if you redefine your skills so you can utilize them in more than one way.

To work as a freelancer, you need to have a strong portfolio and show potential clients what your work is like. That way, they can see that you’re reliable and trust worthy. You might start by doing some free work with mid-tier agencies – and once you’ve built up your portfolio, you’ll be able to land big deals. You can’t win if you don’t play the game right. The more personalized emails and applications you submit, the higher your chances of getting a response will be.

7. Make money blogging

Blogging can be a great way for avid writers to make money. There are many different blogs out there, so it is important to work hard on developing your own lifestyle blog that speaks the truth and connects with readers.

Starting a blog about any topic is easy, but choosing a profitable niche is key. There are lots of different options you can choose from, like travel or food blogs, or you can do something else entirely.

There are many ways to make money blogging, some popular ones being affiliate marketing, brand sponsorships and advertising.

To make your blog profitable and to reach a wider audience, first work out which niche it is you’re going for. Then add high quality content on a consistent basis. You should also invest in marketing & SEO, which will help your site stand out and attract the right audience.

8. Open a dropshipping store

Let’s start by looking at one of the hottest trends in ecommerce, dropshipping. It’s seen an increase in popularity according to Google Trends which makes it a strong choice for starting your own business. There are plenty of success stories proving this is a legitimate way to make money online. Starting a dropshipping store is quite similar to an online store. You have your own niche and will set up an eCommerce store with a specific platform. If you want to start in the dropshipping business, you will need to find the perfect supplier first – this is often the key!

If you’re not too sure on what dropshipping is, it’s a business model where the supplier stores, packages and ships your products while you only order them without caring about packing or shipping. Shopify dropshipping is great because it sets you up with a personalized store and gives you access to millions of products. The downside is that there are some expenses involved in getting your store set up, but it’s worth the investment as it will allow you to be successful.

Determining your best marketing strategy is one of the biggest steps to take when it comes to making money as a dropshipper. Some entrepreneurs like taking a risk and going with extensive marketing campaigns, others are more conservative and go with just trying out a few strategies. The key is deciding what’s best for you.

These strategies will help

  • Running Facebook Ads
  • Having influencers promote their products
  • Sending direct messages (DMs) to potential customers

9. Become a website designer

The freelancing world has seen a boom in demand for web design and development services as more people invest in online ventures.

If you want to become a web designer, then you need creativity and some basic skills of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Furthermore, you should have an eye for detail & have knowledge of graphic design principles. Once you get those basic skills, it’s easy to start creating your own (or others’) websites. You can use these as a foundation for expanding your web design and programming knowledge, which will allow you to create even more complicated and stylized websites.

There are many benefits to starting a website design hustle. One of them is that the demand for websites has increased and there are more businesses joining in. Two, because there are so many different types of websites out there, finding your niche is easy. And as long as you find your niche in web design, then you can reap the benefits from this profitable side business.

10. Become a Content writer

If you’ve got a knack for writing, then content writing may be one of the best ways to make money online.

In addition to these skills, this career path may require knowledge of SEO. Knowing the basics of HTML and CSS will also come in handy when working with a CMS like WordPress.

There are many content writers out there with websites that show their skill sets. If your blog gets popular, you might be able to monetise it too.

Start by researching the content you find inspiring. We all live different lives, have different interests and are at different stages in our careers so it can’t hurt to find out what inspires you. Once you know your audience and understand their needs, develop content for them that will engage & inspire.


It is possible to earn money from many different ideas, as there are something out there to suit every financial situation, skill and passion. Just find the idea that suits you best!

If you are looking to sell online, you could consider starting an online store or taking advantage of the increasingly popular drop shipping business model. If starting a store is not ideal for your needs, you could instead offer stock photos or auction items on platforms like eBay.

Profiting from your skills doesn’t have to be a big ordeal. You can get started with something small as tutoring services or as an online course for skilled professionals like web development and SEO.

This article has hopefully helped you learn more about different ways to earn online. Now put your new knowledge to good use and put in the necessary hard work, then start making money! Good luck!

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